![]() Do you think since Omicron came at us and overwhelmed us so quickly, it will burn out quickly, as well? I do, but I also plan to remain as vigilant as I can and hope you will also. If we have learned anything over the past two years, Covid is not going away any time soon and we will have to live with it. I have, you have, and we all have and that is how this third year will be and into the foreseeable future, but I am not here to rail about this, except that, if I have learned anything, it is that the simple things are the best things. I left Minnesota some 5 months ago, essentially leaving everything I knew and most of my possessions and I don’t know when I will be back. I will, of course, get back there at some time, but not for at least another 5 months, and that is not a bad thing. I was hoping that I would find out some things about myself when I left there and how I would handle the changes. Yes, I had a place to stay, house-sitting for my brother and his family, but I was hoping for something more, a clarity about life and hoping by getting away from the known of the last 30 years, I would be able to figure out some things and I have. Most of that stuff I have left in storage now since the end of May, I really don’t need and yes, there are sentimental things and things of value, but they are just that, things, and I am paying for their safe keeping for now. I remember many, many years ago, traveling across Europe for my first time, alone, back in 1985 and all I had was what was in my internal frame backpack. My whole life was there in that backpack, and I had to survive 2 ½ half months across Europe and Israel. I remember staying in youth hostels, pensiones, the occasional hotel, but rarely and one time, even sleeping on a park bench in France, until the gendarmes nudged me away. I remember crossing into east Berlin, across Checkpoint Charlie and seeing a totally different world, with bad tasting “pizza” and warm flat beer and taking a cold shower at the place I stayed, as there was no hot water. I was okay with all that and all I had was my ability to maintain and live life out of a backpack.
When I left Minnesota at the end of July last year, I had trouble parting with things, but know all I had was the space in my vehicle, yes, more than an internal frame backpack, but essentially the same as I knew I only had so much room for “things”, and I had to prioritize what was important or what I thought was important. I brought some clothes, food stuffs, so I could use them up, my “office” and that was about it and of course, knowing, I could buy the things I needed along the way or when I arrived at my destination, I learned I really did not need much. And yes, I had places along the way, as I had planned my itinerary, unlike the real roughing it some 37 years ago, but this experience has reminded me of this time, when I did not have the added stresses of life and I was much freer and want to be again. I was hoping on this time here in New England to clear my head of the clutter of the past 30 years and start again and in a way I have. I have become more in tune with myself and that is very important. The place where I have taken residence here along the coast in an Air BnB, which will be home for the next several months, except when I am on the road, is where I come to each night to clear my head and that is a very good thing which leads me to the second part of this thought, that of countdowns and no not New Year’s, or Christmas, or anything like that. Not of a top 10 and lists, although, those are cool and knowing that the song that was very much a part of my teenage years along with other rock and roll hits have stood the test in time. Countdowns mark time and they are important, but the countdown that is most important to me and the simplest one of all is the arrival upon this continent, for the first time, the person who has been with me, since this pandemic started and while not always together in person, and yes, I was very lucky to spend time in Europe in June and November, weathered the storm together from across the ocean. It is a little over 3 weeks now and this countdown continues, and she and I will celebrate 2 years together when she is here and I hope many, many more. Countdowns are important, and they are a tracker of time and events, but the most important part of life are the simple things and not all the stuff we have accumulated, and I am living proof of not needing a lot of stuff anymore and trying to get back to those simpler times. Enjoy the lull between the holidays and the long winter ahead, at least where I used to be and where I am now and enjoy the simple things in life. As always, I am interested in your thoughts, comments, questions and adding to the discourse is always appreciated be in on the site itself or on Facebook, Twitter or wherever you read this. Thank you for your support of this small business and it is truly appreciated. Share the knowledge
1/10/2022 02:15:16 pm
1/10/2022 07:19:00 pm
Thank you so much Renee for your comments and reading my blogs. I write from the heart when I post these blogs. I have found some clarity in my life, finally, after so many years.
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