It is funny that I stopped writing, just for a few minutes and reflected on the fact that I had just quoted my mentor, when I had been a teacher many, many years ago, and took the time to go back to and read all the comments upon his passing some 9 years ago, including my original comments back in September 2015. Time flies since his passing and so many other things that have occurred, since that time, mostly good, of course, although, as he also said at times, “Everything is a mixed blessing”, and many other Ingi’ isms, so I come back to the present in this post, but it was definitely nice to reflect and even brought a tear to my eye in remembering his legacy. I was, however, trying to write this post as both Rosa and momma are at the kitchen table and bantering, so now, it is once again quiet, but this past week was not always so. It is not always quiet though as real-life sets in here in Rome. Yes, it is August, and the world will shut down here for the most part for the annual holiday month, taken in intervals depending on the people, but with a window open to the neighborhood, day and night, life happens as momma says. Not anywhere else, people have to blow off steam and some more so than others. I remember a few nights ago, as I was working on some trips at the kitchen table, I started hearing loud screaming, or is that redundant, screaming is loud by its very nature from blocks away. It sounded like an argument and then it sounded like one person just going off on something. It was too far away to understand, even with my limited Italiano and then an ambulance came by and was in the street next to our building for an hour or so. I am not an ambulance chaser, so I did not investigate. I simply observed life in the neighborhood sitting in the house, working on travel projects, hearing, and seeing things out of my kitchen window. When the new place is done, it will be inward facing to a point, but my work area will be the living room/dining room, but that too, has a window facing one of the streets. A block or two away, there is a park just a block away and after dark Rosa and I were in bed, some nights ago, probably the weekend, but I do not remember, windows open, Rosa does not like air conditioning, but I have mentioned that before, many people at all hours, yelling, laughing, talking and loudly. Have I mentioned Italians are loud, on the phone, in public, in the house, on busses, on the metro, in restaurants, anywhere they must be heard, any time of day or night. I have traveled the world, and everyone has the need to be heard and communicate, but why so loud. It is the culture and when I am with Rosa and her friends, I try to engage minimally in the conversation, as my Italian does and will get better, but with multiple conversations, and the speed at which the conversations are spoken, my brain can’t catch up and honestly, I like my quiet time, as well. I am introverted at heart, like my quiet time, and it is a balancing act, but I have noticed that when I am fully concentrated in what I am doing, and a loud sound occurs, I am jolted, but maybe that is not only me. Again, real life here in the neighborhood and poco, poco, getting used to the sights and sounds of my new home.
I have been doing more of the cooking since I have been here, which I enjoy, and it breaks up my day, at my computer, whereas Rosa is out most of the time, so we did weekly shopping, and I went to the local markets to supplement what we bought at the supermarket. It allows me to get out, which I need to do versus sitting at my computer all day. I need that balance and as things start to settle into more of a routine, like I said at the beginning of this blog as this past week was more real life and routine. It is month two and we are closer to moving into our new home, and come September, when we believe it will be close to ready to move in, we will be out furniture shopping and other needs like items for the bathroom, kitchen etc., so when I was out yesterday, I bought a few things I can use now, but will also be used later. A final thought on this as I was downsizing back in America. I got rid of 90% of my stuff including most of my kitchen stuff, all which could have been shipped here along with the few items still to be shipped. In the end, while that thought had crossed my mind, I quickly realized, no, best to start fresh and new and when it is time, that is what we will do.
I hope you have enjoyed my offerings each week and appreciate that you have read my blog posts and look forward to continuing with sharing. As always, thank you so much for your support of Rosa’s and my crazy little world here in Rome now that they have been merged into one. We truly appreciate your support. Stay safe, healthy, and most importantly happy, and as always, your shared comments and thoughts are most welcome!!! Share the knowledge
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